Happiness Major by Jackson Kerchis
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The Art And Science Of Happiness

We study business, math, language, technology, and more — we study everything but happiness. It’s time to focus on what matters.

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The Art And Science Of Happiness

We study business, math, language, technology, and more — we study everything but happiness. It’s time to focus on what matters.

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My name’s Jackson. I’m a basically a big time happiness nerd.

I finished my economics major in 2 years and had a path lined up in management consulting (ultra-competitive business world). Then I had mini-existential crisis as I tried to figure out what I should do with my life (classic!).

I did what any reasonable person would do. I decided to major in happiness.

I channeled my neurotic intellect into studying life’s most important subject. I created a degree, won research grants, taught a course on happiness, lived as a Zen monk, and launched my business.

Now I speak, write, and teach about bringing the study of happiness to work and life.

If you came across my writing on mindfulness, Zen living, or happiness life lessons then click the button to learn about my new book and get my best reads.

My Book and Best Reads
Happiness Major


David Foster Wallace tells a story of two fish swimming along.

An older fish swims past and asks them, “How’s the water today?”

A young fish looks at the other and asks, “What the hell is water?”

This story is meant to show that we tend to overlook what’s right in front of us.

I may be the first person to major in happiness. Just like the fish in their ignorance of water, our society has overlooked a subject at the very heart of life.

We study business, science, art, technology, and more — we study everything but happiness. It’s time to focus on what really matters.

Jackson and his work have been featured in…

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The Study of Happiness

“There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way.”

This is the most important point. Modern science and contemplative wisdom converge in this view of happiness.

The good life is a way of being. It’s a discipline. It depends upon study and practice. If we understand the causes and conditions – and cultivate them – then happiness arises.

This means viewing life from a systems point of view. Optimizing for happiness requires seeing the complete picture of your life. That’s what my framework is meant to help with.

Happiness Major

Next Steps

Join me in studying happiness.

“Join us in our mission to further the study of happiness. Read my favorite articles. Watch my best videos. Try my monthly email. Go to my events page to contact me for coaching, consulting, or speaking.

>>> Read my favorite essays.

>>> Watch my best videos.

>>> Visit my social blog. 

>>> Get a copy of the Top 7 Happiness TED Talks. 

>>> Go to my events page to learn about my speaking and training.

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