I just listened to an incredible podcast. Let me tell you about it (you’ll find a link to the pod and a video summary below)…

It begins with a discussion of John Maynard Keynes’ famous essay “Economic Possibilities for Our Grandchildren” in which he predicted that by the 2000s we’d have so much material progress and technological advancement that we’d all be able to work less than 15 hours per week and maintain an excellent standard of living.”

He was wrong on both counts. He underestimated the extent of our progress in terms of GDP per capita and other metrics. We have excelled what he thought possible. Concurrently, we have leveraged our technology and resources to (paradoxically) work more, not less.

So why is this? Ezra interviews anthropologist James Suzman, an expert on the history of humanity’s relationship to work, to find out.

Full episode >> click here << or watch my summary below.


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